Tuesday, March 11th
The neuroscience of our stress response
What's going on in your brain?
What's your brain saying to the rest of your body?
What does this look like and feel like?
Recovery and resilience
What does it REALLY mean to have resilience?
How do we recovery effectively from stressors?
What does it look like and feel like to 'recover'?
Tools and techniques
Polyvagal Theory
What's in a breath?
What about movement?
Facilitated group practice and debrief
Thursday, March 13th
How the body holds our stress
The importance of somatic processing
How the physical experience impacts the psychological experience
Experiential practice of evidence-based tools
Navigating our internal landscape for connection
How can I TRULY listen to my body?
Turning towards Self with Internal Family Systems - Parts Therapy
Experiential practice and debrief
How does this look in my personal life from now on?
30 minute virtual consulation post workshop available by request
We will cover a lot of material and you may want to process some information afterwards. We can do that.
Let's schedule a 30 minute virtual meeting.